Feathered Tribunal: The Red-Shouldered Hawk Confrontation
Young Red Shouldered Hawk lands in fig tree. The birds gather and are scolding it in unison.
Dreaming of a young Red Shouldered Hawk landing in a fig tree suggests a symbol of power, strength, and freedom entering your life. The fig tree could represent abundance and nurturance.
The birds scolding the hawk in unison may suggest that there is a part of you that feels threatened or judged by others as you pursue this newfound strength and freedom. It could indicate that you are facing criticism or opposition from those around you.
Alternatively, the scolding birds could also represent your own internal doubts or insecurities. You may be questioning yourself or feeling guilty about embracing your personal power and independence.
Overall, this dream may symbolize a conflict between your desire for freedom and growth, and the fear of judgment or disapproval from others. It encourages you to reflect on how you can balance your own needs and desires with the opinions and expectations of those around you.